Chizi Kun bo are used in pairs as a means to accentuate empty-hand technique. They are derived from a traditional Okinawan fisherman’s tool used for hauling in nets. Each weapon sits in the palm of the hand and is held there by a cord which loosely wraps around the ring finger.

I make two main types of chizi kun bo. One is round a tapered and made on a small lathe in my shop. Sometimes I use solid pieces of wood and other times I find interesting wood to laminate together. Generally the ends are flat and do not come to a sharp point. The other style I make is straight and octagonal.

Below are examples of designs I have made in the past. Each of these is a unique, one-of-a-kind piece. Some of these are designs that I may repeat if I find the right wood.

For currently available work, visit Kobudo WoodCraft on Etsy.