Handmade for the serious martial artist

Kobudo WoodCraft specializes in hand-crafted, one-of-a-kind wooden weapons used in the practice of traditional martial arts. Each piece is is made from a variety of American and exotic hardwoods and designed to be strong, balanced and beautiful.

All Kobudo WoodCraft weapons are made by Renshi Adam Cave, in Cary, North Carolina. Adam has been an artist and craftsman all his life, and has been studying martial arts for over 30 years. Each piece is made one at a time, by hand, and tested by Adam for balance and "feel" before being sold. Kobudo WoodCraft weapons are now being used by martial artists around the world.


Common Kobudo WoodCraft Weapons


The Okinawan bo is a generally 6 feet long (or the height of the user),  and tapered at both ends to for faster movement and better balance. I hand-carve these bo, sand them, use them, and then carve some more until the remaining imperfections are not noticeable, but each weapon still has it’s individual character.


The jo is one of the most versatile weapons and clearly is derived from any number of simple farming implements. With a height similar to a walking stick, cane, shovel, rake, etc., the techniques can easily be translated into other useful tools found all around us.  Rotating the weapon is a focus of my training and the various laminations are designed to not only look good but also allow you to see the rotation in your own techniques.


Tanbo are short sticks, usually around 2 feet long, used singly, or in pairs for striking and grappling. Due to my own focus on grappling and control techniques, the following weapons are all octagonal (the additional “corners” aid in an opponents pain compliance). For those practicing more stick on stick exercises (as taught in Filipino Escrima) all weapons can be made round to order.


The Eku is based on a traditional Okinawa oar, used by fisherman.


The Okinawan nunchaku is a very misunderstood weapon, popularized in the 1970s by the likes of Bruce Lee and other pop culture icons. Whereas it is most commonly known as a flailing weapon, traditional uses also include many grappling and restraint applications.


Chizi Kunbo are used in pairs as a means to accentuate empty-hand technique. They are derived from a traditional Okinawan fisherman’s tool used for hauling in nets. Each weapon sits in the palm of the hand and is held there by a cord which loosely wraps around the ring finger.