Talk softly and carry a big stick.

You have probably heard this one before. There is a legend about an old martial arts master being accosted while hobbling home on his cane through the dismal streets of post-WWII Tokyo. Crime was running rampant and his attackers were three young men, looking for an easy mark. The old man pleaded with them, more … Read more

Speed it up

A student recently pointed out a video on youtube that had impressed him. The man in the video, who happens to practice the same style of karate as we do, was working a drill against a partner and demonstrating really impressive hand speed. What my student was unaware of, however, is that the drill came … Read more

You say you wanna Resolution

The start of a new year always seem to make us want to start all sorts of things. In my case, I am once again considering different long and short-term goals for my practice. My style has 12 empty-hand kata. The last time I checked, there were 12 months in a year. Anyone see where … Read more

A little creative buzz.

Your personal practice time is just that, personal. This is sometimes easy to forget when you have been told what to do at every step of your training. On your own, you may even hear your instructor’s voice in your head, pushing you to correct mistakes; hopefully you do. However, endlessly repeating the drills alone … Read more

Technique versus Exercise.

Time to train. You have carved out an hour in your busy day. You have put on your favorite sweat pants and that old T-shirt that your wife wants to throw out. You have driven to that little city park with the quiet corner where you feel inspired and no one bothers you. You have … Read more

Don't forget to punch.

Sometimes you just really need to hit something. There are just no two ways around it. No matter how beautiful, complex, fluid, circular, internal, or external your martial art may be, it is hard to develop workable, applicable skills unless you know what striking “stuff” feels like. This may seem self-evident but, for those of … Read more

Unequal training

I think I may have to coin this phrase, trademark it, write a few books, and get on the seminar circuit. The idea of “unequal training” as a strategy for learning is not mine alone. It was presented to me years ago and I have tried to incorporate it into my routine. However, I will … Read more

Memories, like the corners of my mind.

If you are anything like me, you probably suffer from at least an occasional case of CRS; “Can’t Remember S – – t.” And, often as not, when you realize you don’t remember something, you either get help remembering or move on to other things. Take movie actors for example. My wife and I will … Read more