Speed it Up

A student recently pointed out a video on youtube that had impressed him. The man in the video, who happens to practice the same style of karate as we do, was working a drill against a partner and demonstrating really impressive hand speed. What my student was unaware of, however, is that the drill came … Read more

10 Statements of Belief

If you want the whole back-story on how I came to write this blog, take a look at the introduction. Here you will find ten statements of belief. Think of these as directives for how I train. I don’t want to offend anyone who disagrees with my ideas but I also don’t want to clutter … Read more


After over twenty years actively engaged in training and teaching martial arts I feel safe in saying that I have learned a few things. Of course, what I have learned pales in comparison to what I still have ahead of me but I also know now that this is a life pursuit. As I look … Read more

…like he wasn't even there.

Don’t you just love it when two ideas both seem right and each seems to contradict the other. Last week’s post, Snap out of it, started out as the introduction to this week’s post. But, as I wrote, I realized that there were two separate ideas forming and each needed it’s own page. In a … Read more