Christmas: a time for good will, for family, for giving, and for making lists of all the cool stuff you really, really want. After watching the video below, I found myself looking up the exchange rate of the Japanese yen to the dollar. I really wanted to know how much 1,500,000 yen was. The answer: $17,489.49. That is what one of these swords is going to cost and, as far as I am concerned, it is worth every penny.
If all my loyal readers decide to go in together and get me a Korehira Watanabe sword, I will be most appreciative. Such an act of love would give me a great deal of validation and would also make this blog the most profitable venture I have ever undertaken. Or, we could all go in together and share the sword. Although, once I have it in my hands, I am not sure you are going to want to try and take it back. My guess is, you would feel the same way.
But seriously, there is nothing more inspiring than this level of dedication, craftmanship, and artistry. If we can bring just a little of that into our own practice, our traditions can only benefit. Have a wonderful holiday, a Merry Christmas, and here’s to a New Year full of growth and development, in your martial arts, and in everything you do – Adam Cave.