Everybody needs a break: Break time is over!

I held my last class of the year about week before Christmas and we started up again this week. In the interim period I also took a break from my personal training so that I could indulge in those things that make the holiday great; gift making, gift giving, food preparation, food consumption… and more food consumption. It was a good holiday.

“Everything in moderation,” they say, and one way to moderate your solo training is to give yourself some time off now and again. It is important not to take off so much time that you forget things. But, simultaneously, you want to take enough time so that you return refreshed and with new enthusiasm for what you are working on. For me, 2-3 weeks is about perfect. Of course, not practicing does not mean not thinking about practicing, and I had a number of ideas running around in my head throughout my time off. Sometimes these ideas can be real jewels since they aren’t forced by focused practice, but come to you while you have no agenda at all.

As some of my readers may have noticed, I also took a break from blogging and I am really looking forward to the new year, new ideas, new posts, new comments, and new connections. I began this blog one year ago and have enjoyed every minute of writing it. This year I hope to add more video and images to both new and old posts. I also plan to intermix some my earlier writings with new posts so that new readers can easily access those ideas as well. I encourage all comments and feedback and invite anyone interested to contact me if they have a topic they would like to guest blog about.

Break time is over. Happy New Year. Let’s get to work.


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